Machines carried out a big part in the industries and it is saving the time and effort. Log stackers have remarkable role in the offset finishing section. The Horizontal Log Stacker HP 600F utilizes RECMI Industrie’s proven stacking technology used in offset to optimize our high speed folding machine operation. The HP 600F is a user friendly stacker/bundler that enables bundle building, strapping and palletizing of logs. With its compact overall design and portability, it is used behind all types of folding machines and fits any folder configuration. RECMI log stackers are a good choice and suits with high speed folding machines and low pagination web presses.
At Ministry of information press owned two RECMI horizontal log stackers for their high capacity folding machines from GUK-Falzmaschinen Griesser & Kunzmann GmbH – Germany which also installed by Global Graphics.
As per the customer feedback, the RECMI Log stackers are user friendly and easy to operate without specific skills. The customer also mentioned that it is easy to adjust, quick starting with further adjustments feasible in production. And operation of the finishing line with a single operator is an additional advantage. RECMI Log stacker HP 600F is the key piece of equipment to optimize our finishing process. The machine provides the advantages of infeed conveyor to adjustable height, automatic log strapping, positive log transportation to the strapping area, high quality stacking thanks to full electronical stacking regulation, manual or automated palletizing system etc. The features includes: Pagination from 8 to 32 pages. Production speed from 6000 to 20000 copies/h, depending on product. Compressed log length From 400 to 800mm (15.75 to 31.5 inches) compressed, depending on grammage and compression rate. Adjustable compression until 300 daN. Power requirement 400 VAC – 11 KVA. Air requirement Constant 6 bars, no lubricate, 50µm filtration Average consumption 2Nm3/.
In short HP 600F is a good choice for high speed folding machines as well as low speed web presses.